

Your contribution is deeply appreciated!

My Heart's Path Spiritual Center is devoted to spiritual evolution, self realization, and the collective expansion of consciousness. We are deeply passionate about guiding and assisting in the process of awakening to our divine nature as the ever present loving awareness that we are. We offer practices, guidance and safe space for healing, connection, self inquiry, and transformation. We feel that this serves not only to make the individual’s life better, but to bring light to others and catalyze positive change, making a more peaceful and beautiful world.

Your donations support our mission!

 Please send donations by e-transfer to:

Thank you for your generosity!

My Heart’s Path is not a registered charity, therefor your donations are not tax deductible.

 The world is in need of transformation in so many ways and on so many levels. There are many causes worth our attention and support at this time, whether it be poverty or hunger relief, environmental issues, personal rights and freedoms, social and racial justice, equality issues, access to proper education, or the mental health epidemic, the list goes on. At My Heart’s Path, we bow in appreciation and gratitude to all those who are dedicated in service to these various causes - in service to bettering humanity!

Sometimes it can seem overwhelming, and we aren’t sure where to start or what would be the most beneficial way to help. This has certainly been our experience, and we have sat in deep contemplation of these questions, “How might we be of service to reduce suffering and improve our world? How might we be in service to the whole? In service to peace, love, and life? ” We believe there is one commonality at the heart of every human problem. Disconnection from our Self, from our true nature as the deeply interconnected beings we are. When we are disconnected, we feel the need to defend and attack, and fear, greed, jealousy, and hate are born. We believe that it’s this unaddressed cause at the root of all the other symptoms/problems we are experiencing as a collective. Starting My Heart’s Path Spiritual Centre is our answer to this contemplation and our heartfelt endeavour to address this underlying cause. Thank you for being a part of our mission! We deeply appreciate your support!